My online course about Artist Residencies is now open!

All about ARTIST RESIDENCIES - how to find the right one for you,create a compelling application and become an artist in residence.  EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW!

For those who are creative and love to travel, artist residencies are the Holy Grail. From Antarctica to the Arctic Circle and everywhere between, artist residencies are dedicated places for creatives to focus on their work, travel to cool places and 

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Horizons Everywhere

Something about the horizon line keeps showing up in my work out here in the wide open spaces of Wyoming. This is not the first time - the horizon is a composition I naturally gravitate to, in many ways - literally and metaphorically. There is an invisible tether that pulls, and sometimes yanks me toward the horizon, ever longing for the unknown.

This I think is partly the human condition, to be

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Artist in Residence at Brush Creek Ranch, WY

"Warning - extreme blowover danger!" The flashing signs crossing Wyoming on HWY 80 meant business. The 65mph + winds rattled and rocked my little Mini Cooper Clubman. But she held steady, helped I presume by the weight of 10 heavy panels for painting and a few hundred pounds of art supplies and other stuff. Art saves lives!

I was met by my host at the gates to this 15,000 acre luxury working cattle ranch in the

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London Diaries

While London is not a residency for me, it is my soul home in a way, and has been ever since first coming here as a wide-eyed 20 year old art student. By some invisible tether i am drawn back here again and again, and thus I find myself living here now, testing the limits of UK immigration and soaking up the dynamic thrill of this favorite city of mine. Alas, without a studio, I am confined to one small desk, so am simply cutting, pasting and drawing in my journal pages - calling this series of collages my "London Diaries" - as they reflect…

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Gullkistan Artist Residency in Iceland

My month long residency here in Iceland is drawing to a close. My small group of fellow artists and I all lament the passing of this time too quickly, and I'm wanting to anchor the memories and experiences in a way that will create some permanency. It is all about the landscape in this world of fire and ice, and it does not disappoint. Every turn of the bend…

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