Upcoming In 2022 - May Fair Winds Prevail
Yes, fair winds indeed. For the past 2 years it’s been like a tempest on the wide open seas. In fact crossing the seas has been pretty much a non-thing for most of that time. But starting in January 2022, I will finally board a plane to Spain to begin again what was so rudely interrupted back in early 2020. Can it really be that all that time has passed?
January: Spain, Arteventura in Aracena.
This rural residency is peaceful, private, and in the glorious south of Spain. Located just north of Seville, I’ll join 2 other artists for the month of January to work on my Travelogue paintings in the Sierra de Aracena, for my upcoming show in Boulder, CO, this summer.
One of the apartments overlooking the Finca.
February: Spain - Santiago de Compostela.
I’ll move up north to Galicia for the month of February to this small residency in the historic and revered city of Santiago de Compostela. I’ll be the only artist here, but my host is available for regular interactions and helpful advice about all things Compostela. I’ll be working on a hand painted animation about, you guessed it, walking! Inspired by of course, the pilgrimage and the walking of the famous Camino de Santiago de Compostela.
The residency apartment overlooks a park and is walking distance to everything and everywhere.
March: United Kingdom - London, St. Ives, and Glasgow.
This will be a month of printmaking. First, in St. Ives with a printmaker artist I met previously who will host me for 2 weeks in her Airbnb and her printmaking studio. From the far southwest of England, I will then take the train all the way north to Glasgow for 2 more weeks of printmaking at the Glasgow Print Studio.
The print studio in Cornwall near St. Ives.
April: Scotland - The Admiral House, Isle of Skye.
I have been looking forward to this one for a long time. In 2019 I did a road trip with my son through the Highlands and Islands in Scotland, and soon thereafter found a residency on the Isle of Skye. Thankfully I was accepted and after many reschedules, my time will come this April!
The house I will share with 2 other artists, and the private studio I will be using - if I can take my eyes off the view!
July-September: Boulder, CO - Exhibition at the Dairy Center for the Arts with ceramic artist Caroline Douglas. This large 2 person show at the Dairy Center is about the mythical journey and will include much of the work I’ll be doing at my residencies. Stay tuned for dates!
Oct-December: Australia - Big Ci, Wollemi National Park, New South Wales.
This is another residency I’ve had to put off again and again due to the plague. It is set in the magical Wollemi National Park just outside of Sydney. But let’s hope that Australia finally opens up to international visitors by then. As of this writing, it’s looking hopeful!
The Art Shed at Big Ci residency in New South Wales, Austrailia.
If you want to know more about artist residencies, check out my online course for all you need to know to research, apply and attend the residency of your choice.